Why Gatheroo Beats Email for Collecting Client Information and Documents

This photo shows an email icon on a phone with 2 unread emails. This is to show that this article is about a comparison between Gatheroo and email as a method to collect information and documents from clients.

If you’re like most businesses, collecting client information and documents probably ranks high on your list of administrative challenges.

Between endless email threads and potential security risks, the task can be both time-consuming and fraught with pitfalls.

This blog aims to compare the traditional method of using email with a more advanced solution—Gatheroo—in terms of organisation, security, efficiency, and user experience.

The Age-Old Practice for Collecting Client Information: Using Email

Email has long been the go-to method for information collection.

It’s ubiquitous, easy to use, and doesn’t require clients to learn a new tool.

However, it falls short in many areas—lack of organisation, missed deadlines, and a relatively high risk for data breaches are just a few examples.

Technology Makes Solutions Available to Smaller Businesses

Historically, emails were the only viable solution for smalled businesses to request and receive client information and documents digitally. But with technology making a lot of solutions more affordable, emails are becoming the dinosaur in the process of information collection.

How Gatheroo Changes the Game

Enter Gatheroo—a platform designed to streamline the process of collecting client information.

With features like list-based organisation, traffic light status indicators, automated reminders, and collaborative capabilities, Gatheroo offers a much-needed solution to an age-old problem.

Organisation and Workflow

When you’re using email, it’s easy to lose track of who has sent what and when. Emails get buried, attachments get misplaced, and you end up spending more time managing your inbox than actually working on client projects.

Gatheroo’s list and traffic light system organise your client information in a more structured way, making it easier to keep track of tasks and deadlines.

Often, other systems like OneDrive are used to either store or collect information from clients, especially when files are too large to be sent over emails. While these a great way to store information, they rarely hit the mark with clients or the businesses.

Gatheroo Beats Email in Security Considerations

Email is not the most secure method for sharing sensitive information. Data breaches are increasingly common, and once an email is sent, control over its content is lost.

Gatheroo addresses this with secure data transmission and encrypted storage, providing peace of mind for you and your clients.


Chasing clients for information via email often involves tedious back-and-forth and manual follow-ups.

Gatheroo’s automated reminders work in the background, prompting clients to submit their information on time.

This allows you to focus on what really matters—providing value to your clients.

User Experience

From a client’s perspective, sifting through email threads to find relevant information is far from ideal.

Gatheroo’s user-friendly interface enhances the client experience by presenting all necessary actions and information in a clean, organised manner.

Gatheroo Beats Email For Efficiency & Business Growth

Independent brokers are switching from email to Gatheroo and are cutting administrative time in half. Not only does this make workflows more efficient, but clients also report a much smoother and more secure experience during the information collection phase.

While email may be the familiar choice for collecting client information, it’s far from the most efficient or secure option.

Gatheroo offers superior organisation, robust security measures, automated reminders, and an overall better user experience.


Laetitia has worked in the Financial Industry for over 20 years. Her drive to understand the risks inherent in a business, together with finding practical ways to mitigate the risks deemed too great, lead to the creation of Gatheroo.

By applying her knowledge gained from major banks in Australian and the UK, SMEs across the globe have benefited by discussing and applying low hanging solutions to potentially large issues.

"I love working with professional service providers to help them grow and prosper by identifying and minimising risks, boosting productivity, and fostering an environment where both individuals and teams thrive"