Release notes

Welcome to the Gatheroo Development Release Notes. Here, we provide concise updates on our platform's latest improvements and features to enhance your Gatheroo experience.

  • Improved Sending Flow (clearer 'published' vs. 'sent' states)
  • New 'Mark as Sent' feature for manual sending of Requests
  • Server Upgrade for improved scale and performance
  • New Activity Logs feature to track Request Activity
  • Additional Sending Logs to track Sent Reminders
  • UX Improvements
  • Bug Fixes
  • Date Picker and Address Fields
  • Updated Report Formatting
  • UX Improvements
  • Bug Fixes
  • Menu Organisation
  • Added optional end-to-encryption for Text Fields
  • Bug fixes
  • Conditional Logic for Requests
  • Single Select Fields
  • Multi Select Fields
  • Multi Column Fields
  • Bug fixes
  • Add attachments to Request Instructions
  • Personalise Reminder Emails
  • Personalise Project Invitations
  • Duplicate Project enhancements
  • New fields for Templates
  • Bug fixes
  • Multi-Select Field
  • Single-Select Field
  • Mobile View making it even easier for your clients to complete requests
  • Bug fixes
  • Enforcing Strong Passwords
  • Optional 2-Factor Authentication
  • Ability to send a request to multiple contacts
  • Improved Templates Interface
  • Security Hardening
  • Bug fixes
  • Added File Upload Encryption for end-to-end security
  • Security enhancements
  • Bug fixes
  • Bug fixes
  • Improved navigation for Projects
Business Efficiency

A single, powerful
easy-to-use platform

The efficient way to collect, collate and collaborate to gather information and documents efficiently and securely from your clients.