Set a password for your Request

Find out how to help keep your recipients content secure by password-protecting project requests.

Password protection defaults to ‘off’.

This is changed on the “1. Setup” section of a project.

Select Yes or No depending on the sensitivity of the information you are requesting.

When “Yes” is selected, the recipient will be prompted to create a password for the project, which will be used going forward.

They will also be able to initial a password reset if required.

As the account owner you will see the information on your preview section and/or download the information without the need for the password, as you have a password to log into your account.


Laetitia has worked in the Financial Industry for over 20 years. Her drive to understand the risks inherent in a business, together with finding practical ways to mitigate the risks deemed too great, lead to the creation of Gatheroo.

By applying her knowledge gained from major banks in Australian and the UK, SMEs across the globe have benefited by discussing and applying low hanging solutions to potentially large issues.

"I love working with professional service providers to help them grow and prosper by identifying and minimising risks, boosting productivity, and fostering an environment where both individuals and teams thrive"