Starting a new project on a Gatheroo account is easy.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Log in to your Gatheroo account and navigate to the Projects Dashboard.
  2. In the top right corner of the dashboard, select the orange “+ a new project” button.
  3. A new window will appear where you will be prompted to add the details for your new project. This includes the project name, project lead, and the due date. All of these fields are mandatory and can be changed later if needed.
  4. After filling in the project details, you have two options, create the project or attach a contact to the project
  5. To create the project, select “Add New Project”
  6. To add a contact to the project, select “+ Add a primary contact”
    When you select “+Add a primary contact”, a drop-down list of existing contacts in your account will appear. If the contact you need is not listed, you can add a new one by selecting “add new” and filling in the required information (First and Last names, and an email address).
  7. Once you have added all the required information, select “Save” to create the project.

Your new project is now ready for you to start working on!

Remember that you can always go back to the project and make changes as needed.