Working with Single-Select fields

Benefits and implementation of single select fields

fSingle select fields allow respondents to choose only one option from a list provided, enabling you to streamline data collection while maintaining clarity.

Additionally, we’ll explore how to incorporate an “Other” option, allowing clients to input their own answer when none of the predefined options suit their response.

Let’s explore the power of single select fields and how to make the most of them.

Streamlining responses with single-select fields

Single select fields are ideal for scenarios where you require respondents to select a single answer from a predetermined list of options.

By limiting their selection to one choice, you ensure that the collected data remains concise and straightforward. This field type is particularly effective when you need to categorise responses or compare different options.


Adding an “Other” Option

To account for situations where the predefined options might not cover all possible responses, it’s advisable to include an “Other” option in your single select field.

This gives clients the flexibility to enter their own answer if none of the provided options align with their response.

Including an “Other” option promotes inclusivity and prevents respondents from feeling restricted by the predefined choices.


This image shows a Single Select Field in Gatheroo where your client can select one of the predefined answers, or "other" as a choice - with room to elaborate on what that is.

An efficient and focused approach

Single select fields provide an efficient and focused approach to data collection by allowing clients to select only one option from a list. By incorporating an “Other” option, you give respondents the freedom to express unique responses outside the predefined options.

This field type ensures clarity and simplicity while maximising response rates.

Implement single select fields in your data collection processes to gather accurate and meaningful data efficiently.

Need clients to select more than one answer? Find out how by reading this “How to guide” about Multi-Choice field.

Laetitia has worked in the Financial Industry for over 20 years. Her drive to understand the risks inherent in a business, together with finding practical ways to mitigate the risks deemed too great, lead to the creation of Gatheroo.

By applying her knowledge gained from major banks in Australian and the UK, SMEs across the globe have benefited by discussing and applying low hanging solutions to potentially large issues.

"I love working with professional service providers to help them grow and prosper by identifying and minimising risks, boosting productivity, and fostering an environment where both individuals and teams thrive"